“Planning for the future is like going fishing in a dry gulch; nothing ever works out as you wanted, so give up all your schemes and ambitions. If you have got to think about something ~ Make it the uncertainty of the hour of your death.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“What is born will die, what has been gathered will be dispersed, what has been accumulated will be exhausted, what has been built up will collapse and what has been high will be brought low.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“This world can seem marvelously convincing until death collapses the illusion and evicts us from our hiding place.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“Just look at your mind for a few minutes. You will see that it is like a flea, constantly hopping to and fro. You will see that thoughts arise without any reason, without any connection. Swept along by the chaos of every moment, we are the victims of the fickleness of our mind.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“Nothing could be further from the truth. But in a world dedicated to distraction, silence and stillness terrify us; we protect ourselves from them with noise and frantic busyness. Looking into the nature of our mind is the last thing we would dare to do. Sometimes I think we don’t want to” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“Always recognize the dreamlike qualities of life and reduce attachment and aversion. Practice good-heartedness toward all beings. Be loving and compassionate, no matter what others do to you. What they will do will not matter so much when you see it as a dream. The trick is to have positive intention during the dream. This is the essential point. This is true spirituality.” ~ Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“There are so many ways
of making the approach to meditation as joyful as possible. You can
find the music that most exalts you and use it to open your heart and
mind. You can collect pieces of poetry, or quotations of lines of
teachings that over the years have moved you, and keep them always at
hand to elevate your spirit.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of
Living and Dying
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
“Spiritual truth is not something elaborate and esoteric, it is in fact profound common sense. When you realize the nature of mind, layers of confusion peel away. You don’t actually “become” a buddha, you simply cease, slowly, to be deluded. And being a buddha is not being some omnipotent spiritual superman, but becoming at last a true human being.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“Have found also, from my own experience, that it is essential not to take anything too personally. When you least expect it, dying people can make you the target of all their anger and blame. As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross says, anger and blame can “be displaced in all directions, and projected onto the environment at times almost at random.” Do not imagine that this rage is really aimed at you; realizing what fear and grief it springs from will stop you from reacting to it in ways that might damage your relationship. Sometimes” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
“Planning for the
future is like going fishing in a dry gulch; nothing ever works out as
you wanted, so give up all your schemes and ambitions. If you have got
to think about something ~ Make it the uncertainty of the hour of your
death.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
ial is that it focuses
on the Art of Dying and in doing so teaches one to live a more
fulfilling life. With this in mind lets star
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
“When we are at last
freed from the body that has defined and dominated our understanding of
ourselves for so long, the karmic vision of one life is completely
exhausted, but any karma that might be created in the future has not yet
begun to crystallize. So what happens in death is that there is a “gap”
or space that is fertile with vast possibility; it is a moment of
tremendous, pregnant power where the only thing that matters, or could
matter, is how exactly our mind is. Stripped of a physical body, mind
stands naked, revealed startlingly for what it has always been: the
architect of our reality.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living
and Dying
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
“When we are at last
freed from the body that has defined and dominated our understanding of
ourselves for so long, the karmic vision of one life is completely
exhausted, but any karma that might be created in the future has not yet
begun to crystallize. So what happens in death is that there is a “gap”
or space that is fertile with vast possibility; it is a moment of
tremendous, pregnant power where the only thing that matters, or could
matter, is how exactly our mind is. Stripped of a physical body, mind
stands naked, revealed startlingly for what it has always been: the
architect of our reality.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living
and Dying
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
“When we are at last
freed from the body that has defined and dominated our understanding of
ourselves for so long, the karmic vision of one life is completely
exhausted, but any karma that might be created in the future has not yet
begun to crystallize. So what happens in death is that there is a “gap”
or space that is fertile with vast possibility; it is a moment of
tremendous, pregnant power where the only thing that matters, or could
matter, is how exactly our mind is. Stripped of a physical body, mind
stands naked, revealed startlingly for what it has always been: the
architect of our reality.” ~ Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living
and Dying
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
Read more at: https://fractalenlightenment.com/40021/spirituality/11-quotes-tibetan-book-living-dying-light-path | FractalEnlightenment.com
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